Spoken words are unnecessary in a circle of elders. Conversation
goes on in silent, telepathic communication. If white friends
are there, the elders sigh and resort to words, translating,
slowly, patiently, out of their symbolic tongues, for they
know that even non-Indians, with their dimmed senses, have
their places on the Wheel, and that to find one's appointed
place and having found it stay there, is the meaning and the
purpose of this life.
The Great Medicine Wheel
(Out of Print)

- Reflections
on the Process of Creation
- The
Life of Milarepa
- The
Great Medicine Wheel
- Letter
from Bali
- Al
Hallaj: A Life
- Koumen
- Notes
on Alchemy - The Cosmological "Yoga" of Medieval Christianity

- Letters
from a Sufi Teacher
Shaikh Sharfuddin Maneri
- Songs
and Sayings of Yogaswami
Sivathondan Society